Ex Jehovahs Witnesses United in Christ
About Us Founder of Ex JWs- United in Christ, Mike Ellis PhD who has a doctorate in Psychology and Social Work set up and ran the charity National Society for Children and Family Contact (NSCFC) for over a decade and is well versed in the help and support of those in need. Joined by many other Ex JWs we have a vast wealth of inside knowledge and experience to do with the practices of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (WBTS) otherwise known as Jehovah’s Witnesses and the sufferings inherent in any such mind-controlling religious organisations/cults Ex JWs-United in Christ are located in the United Kingdom and here to support those who have left or are thinking of leaving the WBTS yet still have a great love of Christ and want to serve Him in Spirit and truth. Ex JWs-United in Christ are acutely aware from personal experience that to leave the organisation is to be faced with family and friend rejection on a massive scale, indeed to leave is to be subjected via cult doctrine to loss of fathers, mothers, siblings, husbands, wives and children not forgetting any other relatives or friends within the WBTS, add to this the cold reality that it’s not uncommon for leavers to find themselves thrown out of house and home without a place to lay one’s head and invariably destitute. This treatment to us is far removed from Christ’s teachings and love for mankind the like of which he sacrificed His very own life to secure. For this reason our mission is to secure worldwide retreats, refuges and safe havens that those in need may be given sanctuary, spiritual support, friendship and succour akin to Christ. Ex JWs-United in Christ also takes into account the psychological damage inherent in cult worship and the need to recruit professional councillors, those with PC Skills, Researchers and Volunteers, all who have a true and sincere love of Christ and are eager to assist recovery in His name are most welcomed to apply, that we might with every endeavour complete the task ahead. Ex JWs-United in Christ also aims to promote and encourage Home Worship as practised by the early Christians, with our Lord Jesus Christ as Head in accordance with His teaching in Matthew 18:20. Mike also runs a 24/7 radio station at www.familyradio1.com which incorporates spiritual and gospel music with much more to follow re the true message of Christ, so please feel free to enjoy. The Book of Psalms ascribed to King David, have served as "the bedrock of Christian hymnology," concluding that "no other poetry has been set to music more often in Western civilization! The apostle Paul in Colossians 3:16 encouraged “Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts”. English Standard Version (©2001)
You are not alone
Today's Child is Tomorrows Parent. Love, Cherish, Protect
How apt are these words in our time and age "By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?" Matthew 7:15-23. So yes there will always be detractors those whose sole intent is to undermine, and misrepresent whatever good others may endeavour to do in all good faith, even to the point of Copyright & Intellectual Property infringements on social networks such as YouTube & Facebook purporting to represent us, this in a broad attempt to mock or devalue our work! We can do no better therefore than to encourage each and every one to consider those immortal words with much prayer and supplication "by their fruits you will know them." Much Christian Love.